Tuesday 16 December 2014

Week Forty: Circus and Daytona Karting

Week Forty

  The comeback of the blog continues and this week there are are two very different places attended.  Birthday celebrations is the theme for blog number 40, with two birthdays in total celebrated (wow that many?)
Special guests include: Joscelyn Lester, Tom Wright, Tom Goldwater, Lucy Tedstone, Bex Murphy, Tariq, Browning, Oli Grove, Mike Tame, Arthur Johnson, Nix Brown, Phoebe Nockolds, Charlie Jordan, Briony Jones, Aimee Pyatt, Bex Webb, Josh Beebee, Basti Beebee, Rob Beebee, Jake Huntley, Angus Huntley, Freddie Dixon, Richard Pearce, Brynne McCord and Jack Measom.

Summary of Circus

Name: Circus

Type: Cabaret Pan Asian Restaurant/Bar

Location: 27-29 Endell Street, London, WC2H 9BA

Date Visited: 10/10/14

Price: It's not cheap

Rating: 3.85/5


  At one stage my attendance looked unlikely due to a car crash on the way.  Have no fear everything was ok, including both people involved, and I was able to attend the birthday night.  A somewhat relieved Aimee Pyatt was the birthday girl and she had carefully chosen the venue as she was keen to visit this highly recommended venue.  

A relieved birthday girl and an unscratched Partyman

The main table at the venue had been booked and only a carefully chosen select group of guests were invited as space was limited.  On the website the place advertises itself as a pan asian restaurant which is also a bar with cabaret thrown in too.  It's not wrong and i'm afraid there are no lion tamers at this place or fire breathers but some talented performances nonetheless. 

Not getting any attention.  Clearly enthralling chat from me as Breester's busy on her phone.

 In fact the performances were very impressive and reminded me a lot of the athleticism we had seen a few weeks earlier at The Box in Soho.  No guys sitting on traffic cones here but the acts did kick off with a couple of men in their pants thrusting.  This was the one act I was disappointed to be sitting at crotch level, due to all the acts performing on our table.  The 'benefit' of sitting at the main table the girls would argue.  

Act one.

  Not to worry as next up were female gymnasts, who were wearing limited clothing, which grabbed all of the lads (Whey whey) attention quickly.  Apologies...that's very very sexist! They were unbelievable as one girl was performing some incredible gymnastic with incredible flexibility.  Some of the positions she got into were remarkable.  Some of them seemed impossible which would make some people queasy.  One member of our party unfortunately was sick but I don't think this was due to the acts.

Act two. Better

This displays how close we are.  That and spot the nutters in the background

  The acts were awesome and due to us having ringside seats it was pretty spectacular, especially watching all of these so close.  The food I thought was fantastic and the steak, that classic asian dish, being incredibly tasty.  The waitresses were a little harsh with us on the desserts as they took them away from our table after 15 minutes.  I hadn't finished and they wouldn't return them when I asked, but maybe this was due to me splattering a spoonful of souffle on my forehead.  Quite legitimate in hindsight but I still thought it was a little rude.  I suppose we hadn't been the easiest customers up to this point, with members of our party a little intoxicated (you flaming nutters, whatever next?) and a few people having impromptu naps.  

Post soufflé

  After dinner was finished and the acts are done, the tables become the dance floor. What better way to end than dancing on tables for the rest of the evening? Not much is the answer.  

A cracking evening it must be said.  Not the cheapest, as is my duty to point out, with £65- £70 per head for dinner, drinks and cabaret.  You'll probably have to get a few more drinks on top so my advise to you, unless your a city slicker and made of money, is come here for a special occasion.  Which this was.  

  A cracking evening.  Well done Aims.

Jordane and Breester. 

Goldy and Luce.

Just Luce.

Summary of Daytona Karting

Name: Daytona Karting

Type: Go Karting Track

Location: Dansteed Way, Rooksley, Milton Keynes, MK13 8LD

Date Visited: 11/10/14

Price: Again, it's not cheap

Rating: 3.3/5


 After quite a heavy night at the Circus (Lad!) and the sudden realisation of my crashed car from the night before, I wasn't entirely convinced that a trip out to go karting was going to be the perfect tonic.  It was Josh Beebee's birthday this time and a good bunch of us met at London Euston to get a train down to Milton Keynes for a spot of racing.  On the way done we bumped into Owen Farrel and Josh begged him for a photo which he duly obliged.

Owen Faz making Josh's day.

  Upon arrival we firstly had to watch the safety video presented by Martin Bundle.  For those of you who have been to Daytona before, you will know how comical that video is.  After the important safety video, its then down to the track for 10 minutes qualifying followed by a 40 minute race.  

  The go karts were very nippy and I thought they spun very easily.  Well that was my issue and no one else's it seemed, as out of the 31 laps I completed, I span on 29 of them.  Some laps I frustratingly span on multiple occasions.  To say I am good a racing driver would be wholly incorrect.  In fact the one thing I have probably learned this weekend is that I am not a good driver in any occasion. (Disclaimer: That last comment is said in jest and has no bearing in a court of law).

  I finished 24th out of 27th.  I blame it on the car and that I wasn't in the right psychological state after the car crash the night before.  Did I tell you I had a car crash?  I'll put the violin away and in all seriousness, it was really good fun.  This was due to it being a nice long track in fast go karts, which is what you want when go karting.  Again not cheap at £67.  That said we did get 50 minutes track time, which isn't bad.  Josh finished a respectable second which was a stirling achievement considering the guy who won, just seemed to give off that vibe that he was there most Saturdays.  Lovely day out.

Pre race.  Judging from my face, I knew what was in store for me.

Special Shoutout
Winner: Aimee Pyatt
This weeks winner is more famously known for being a talented flautist.  This week 'small pipes' wins the coveted award and not just because it was her birthday.  She organised the whole thing, picked a very good venue, we had the best table in the house and she, more importantly, arranged one of the best seating plans I have witnessed in the modern era.  Picking myself to sit next to the birthday girl was inspired and didn't go unnoticed.  Well done Aims on a cracking night, happy birthday (even though it was now two months ago) and keep spreading that christmas cheer!

Poem Advice

Cabaret, food and drink
Circus has got it all
Impressive acrobatics
Its a wonder they didn't fall

Fancy yourself as a kart racer
Like Lewis Hamilton's past
Then head on down to Daytona
It's a shame that I came last

  Thanks again for the read guys.  Keep recommending places to me as that's what its all about.  Your love and support is always very much appreciated.

T-shirts and other merchandise will soon be available for you guys to purchase.

Remember to do the three most important things:




See you next week fans


Follow me on Twitter @jackgravestock

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