Tuesday 30 December 2014

Week Forty Four: Sharm El Sheikh's Hard Rock Cafe and Riverside

Week Forty Four

  Hello there, hope you all had a good Xmas!  Not long to go until the end of the year.  You might of guessed that I am slightly behind but should be up to date soon.  I will be doing an end of year review in January too (oh really Jack, I'm so happy).

  This week entailed a trip to the Hard Rock Cafe in Sharm El Sheikh and a spot of lunch with Grubs at the Riverside pub in Vauxhall.  Both very different.

Special guests include: Will Matthews, Tom Grimes, Paul and Dianne.

Summary of Hard Rock Cafe

Name: Hard Rock Cafe (Sharm El Sheikh Branch)

Type: Rock n Roll themed restaurant/bar/nightclub

Location: Marina Street Na'ama Bay, Sharm El Sheikh, South Sinai 46619, Egypt

Date Visited: 04/11/14

Price: Incredibly Cheap

Rating: 2/5


  From the words of Jon Snow, 'winter was coming' and I was keen to get some sun before the cold weather descended on us.  There were not many takers to join and all looked bleak until Will Matthews found an all inclusive (alcohol, hotel, flights and food) package to Sharm El Sheikh for only £420.  Perfect.  Unfortunately no one else wanted to go, so not for the first time this year, me and Will were on occasions, mistaken for partners (see Week 19).  During check in, the guy on reception at the hotel asked us whether we would like 'A King Size bed sir?'  We politely declined.

 Anyway after a couple of days just relaxing around the pool, catching some rays and be surrounded by 95% couples, we felt we needed a night out away from the hotel (you two!).  The hotel social event organiser asked us if we wanted to join Paul and Dianne (both late 40's) from Middlesborough for a big night out at the Hard Rock Cafe. Hell yes we did.  

Paul and Dianne

 11pm arrived, we paid our 200 egyptian pounds each (which equates to around £20).   This paid for all drinks, entry and the taxi there and back.  We were dropped off and me, Will, Paul and Diane headed in for our 'couples' night out.  Sorry I mean night out.

Will and I.  The green bands are the all inclusive bands not friendship bracelets.

  The place was completely dead but did pick up slightly with other guests at neighbouring hotels joining.   Anyway we got with it and started getting stuck into the free alcohol...you can take a man out of Middlesborough.  It was a pretty boozy and fun evening but I wouldn't recommend it as a must visit club in Sharm.  Paul was a good crack, pretty out of control and his wife Dianne, was treating us all to her ageless dance moves.  

Classic Paul

  It got to the point where we had drunk enough, danced enough and realised that the place was pretty crap, so we exited.  We were about to get in the taxi but not before we had a big group hug, which then turned into a good old fashioned pile on.  Friends for life.  Shout out to Paul and Di! Apologies to Dianne who had some noticeable bruising poolside the next day.   Hard Rock Cafe isn't the best here.

Will, Di, Paul and I.

Summary of Riverside

Name: Riverside

Type: Gastro Pub

Location: The Riverside, Hamilton House, 5 St. Georges Wharf, Vauxhall, London, SW8 2LE

Date Visited: 09/11/14

Price: Ok

Rating: 3/5


 After returning from Sharm El Sheikh nicely sun kissed but feeling fairly fragile, I was after a relaxing Sunday.  Tom Grimes was down visiting London for admin purposes and fancied going for some lunch around Vauxhall.

 Grubs chose the Riverside and I was more than happy with that.   I had been recommended this place at the start of the year by a lot of friends so was keen to give it a try.  We ordered a couple of Aspall Ciders, bloody great cider that, and then took our seat at a nice table with comfortable seats.  Fair play.  

  Of course we both ordered sunday lunch, you've got to haven't you! Grubs went for the beef and I went for the Chicken.  We did go slightly unorthodox and ordered a main dish of Nachos to share, for our starter.  Pretty rogue and it did get a flicker of the eyebrow from the dead pan waiter.  

The starter for two

  Onto the food and I have to say I was impressed.  The nachos were fantastic but unfortunately were quite filling.  That cost me half of my main, as the tank was full after only a few mouthfuls into the chicken.  The chicken was extremely tasty and it was a shame I couldn't finish it all.  All the trimmings were good to.

  Liked this place a lot and the inside of the pub has been finished superbly.  Do you know why? It's another Youngs pub thats why.  Youngs really are going full out at the moment with refurbishments and this one they have got very right like the Castle.  It is helped by it's surroundings of central London and of course overlooking the Thames.  Picturesque you might say.

  I will definitely return on a day in the Summer, can see this being a bustling vibrant pub on a nice sunny day.  Worth a go for the food alone to be fair.

Not bad I thought.  Not the cheapest you can get though

Special Shoutout
Winner: Will Matthews
This weeks special shoutout goes to Will.  This man, although considerably shorter than me, was the man responsible in ensuring I went to Sharm El Sheikh.  He found the incredible deal and twisted my arm in ensuring I went when I was keen not to.  Going away for 4 days of sun at the start of November to temperatures above 30 degrees....spot on and hats off sir.  Also a regular reader of the blog so appreciation for that too. Ta very much

Poem Advice

In Sharm El Sheikh,
Needing a night out?
Hard Rock Cafe's cheap,
But not the best shout

Vauxhall your location,
Waterfront pub your aim
Go to the Youngs pub there
The Riverside it's name

  Thanks again for reading folks and hope you all had a good Xmas.  See you in the New Year!  I'll leave you with a picture of man standing on a camel in Sharm El Sheikh

Remember to do the three most important things:




See you next week fans


Follow me on Twitter @jackgravestock

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Week Forty Three: Grillshack and The Lodge

Week Thirty Forty Three

  Welcome again in another addition of the blog.  This week we have two places visited, one a meat restaurant and the other an Alpine ski themed Lodge.
Special guests include: Gabriel Langford, Ed Cracknell, Al Russell, Will Wright and My Biggest Fan (Chris Hazell)

Summary of Grillshack

Name: Grillshack

Type: Restaurant (All day grill)

Location: 61-63 Beak Street, Soho, London, W1F 9SL

Date Visited: 29/10/14

Price: Very good value

Rating: 2.5/5


   Ed, Al and Gabriel were keen to go for some midweek food at the much talked about Flat Iron.  I have been wanting to visit the place for a while because it's had a lot of hype about it recently.  Unfortunately we weren't able to go,  the reason for this was because you can't book at this place and the 2 hour wait for us was too long.  We had chosen the one in Soho which is famously more busy than the branch at Tottenham Court Road.  

  This meant we had to chose another restaurant and a couple of doors down was a restaurant called the Grillshack.  A quick google search told us that it served meat and had a decent review rating, so in we went.   This was a bad decision in hindsight.  The moment we walked in I saw very few customers, music at a dangerously quiet level and I instantly felt the severe lack of atmosphere.

The four of us having our photo taken by the tipsy couple next to us

  The polite waiter kindly sat us down in between two tables, which did help create a bit of pretend business.  The good news was that they had Brooklyn Lager, so four of them were ordered.  Thanks again Mr Hupfield, my new favourite go to beer when at restaurants now.   It was then time to order food and I was unsure what to go for.  I asked the waitress for her recommendation and quickly discounted it after she recommended the most expensive thing on the menu along with the expensive sides.  

  The couple next to us then piped up, both were fairly hammered and they strongly advised us to order the BBQ Ribs.  Best ever apparently.  I took their advise and ordered the ribs. Then as a table we ordered sides of onion rings, cheese bites and nuggets for everyone to share.

  The ribs were pretty nice, nothing special though.  The sides were nice too.  Nothing remarkable about any of it and certainly not the best ever.  In conclusion, if it wasn't for the company, I would of been thoroughly unimpressed.  The company quite simply saved it.  The menu is too small and thats even with 5 new recent additions.  It basically reminded me of a slightly better TGI Fridays.  Too harsh maybe.  It was bloody good value to be fair at £25 pp.  Doubt I'll ever come back.

Here's the bill.  Good value.

Summary of The Lodge

Name: The Lodge

Type: Popup Restaurant

Location: 9 Hildreth Street, Balham, London, SW12 9RQ

Date Visited: 30/10/14

Price: Quite expensive

Rating: 4.3/5


 This place is pretty awesome in my opinion.  I'll give you a bit of background (oh please do Jack), Jimmy Garcia is the man behind this place and he is responsible for the creation of many successful pop ups in the past.  This is his new one and due to his growing reputation it has come with a lot of publicity upon opening.  Will Wright had booked a table for four as soon as it opened and the earliest we could get in was 4/5 weeks in advance.  Lot of buzz.

  The restaurant has been turned into an apres ski Alpine themed lodge.  It's impressive when you walk in, it's been fully kitted out with wooden planks on the wall, wooden tables (YES!) and various things attached to wall such as a set of skis.  He's gone full out and it does feel like a ski lodge so fair play mate.

The Lodge. Impressed.

 Mike Sedcole had been overly celebrating earlier in the day so there was now just three of us, Will Wright, My Biggest Fan (Chris Hazell) and me.   We sat down at the table and ordered from a very wide and impressive drinks menu.  I went for the mulled cider and the others went for a Baked Alaska (fancy cocktail) and an Eggnog.  Don't get eggnog personally, I find it repulsive.  The mulled cider however was superb.

Just the three of us.

 For the food and the only thing you can order is the communal fondue.  I mean there are other things you can order but this is the signature dish.  The communal fondue arrived in the giant pots and came with lots of bread for you to dip in.  Although very simple, it was extremely tasty and I loved it.  I've always been a champion of bread and here I was, able to dip this in a pot of melted cheese unashamed.  The dream some would say.

  Another great thing about this place is that the owner, good old Jimmy, is there on site taking orders, rushing around and fully getting involved.  Not only that but he sits down at all the tables and has a nice chat with all the customers.  He told us the history behind it, his intention of how long he'll open it for and to be fair, he just seemed like a good bloke.  Nice touch and it was the icing on the cake for a great performance by the lodge. Bravo.

Jimmy the man behind it all.

  If you have time, then I would book this in for the New Year at some point.  Fits in perfectly with the desperately cold months of January and February.  Be warned though, it isn't cheap. The bill came in at £50 a head roughly and they forgot to bills us for 3 beers (you scoundrels!).  Nonetheless I thought it was worth it.

The bill.  Not cheap.

Special Shoutout
Winner: My Biggest Fan (Chris Hazell)
Nicknamed at the start of the year ironically (hilarious banter Jack) as my biggest fan, Chris has in recent times come close to that status.  Chris, although he would refrain to admit it, reads every week and gives me probably the most honest feedback out of all readers.  Sometimes it's difficult to hear but he has been instrumental in the progression and development of this blog.  The day I finally cease with the poor grammer will be down to him.  Many thanks Chris and well done.  I know this has made your Christmas.

Poem Advice

Can't get in the Flat Iron, 
So you'll settle for the Grillshack
The place is pretty average,
I'll be surprised if I go back

Trendy little popup,
Alpine Ski Themed Lodge
Really tasty fondue,
A few of the cocktails I would dodge

Anybody spot the hilarious deliberate error earlier only my part?. I am so witty aren't I? Muchos gracias for the continued reading and support.

Lots of love and see you next time


Remember to do the three most important things:




See you next week fans


Follow me on Twitter @jackgravestock

Monday 22 December 2014

Week Forty Two: Halfway House and The Wandle

Week Thirty Forty Two

  I'll start off by apologising for the recent bombardment of blog posts.  Or should I be saying you're welcome.  Probably apologising.  Well to those still reading, thanks and this week presents a mini pub crawl in Earlsfield on a Friday night. When I say mini pub crawl it's because we only went to two.  Crazy I know.

Special guests include: Oli Leech, Nick Farkas, Freddie Allen, Jake Alsop and Emily Wakefield

Summary of The Halfway House

Name: The Halfway House

Type: Pub

Location: 521 Garratt Lane, Earlsfield, London, Sw18 4SR 

Date Visited: 24/10/14

Price: Good Value 

Rating: 2.3/5


  Oli Leech has just bought himself a house in Earlsfield and due to him recently moving in, he was keen to do a mini pub crawl to test out the local watering holes.  We decided against the Leather Bottle for reasons unknown, as this has been recommended to me as a must go to pub in Earlsfield.

  The Halfway House was the first pub on this mental 2 pub crawl and in all honesty I wasn't that impressed.  The decor inside I thought was great but the place has gone full on Gastro, so I think it lacks a lot of atmosphere.  There are nice wooden tables, sucker for them, dotted around but I just didn't feel it when I was there.  That sounds a bit pretentious saying that and not entirely sure what it is but it didn't have it (Thanks Jack for your input). 

  This disappointment did surprise me, mainly due to it being another one of Young's pubs which has been fully refurbished in recent years.  Unlike the Castle in Tooting, which I'm not favouring because I live there, it's all a bit flat in the Halfway House, apart from the beer (Whey!).   In fact, in it's defence it does have a good selection of beers.

Me and Leechy.  No idea why I've got my tongue out.  Cheeky

  The food however was poor.  I went for the Scotch Egg, which all the pubs seem to beall over at the moment, and it was pretty disappointing.  It didn't have the Va Va Voom I was expecting.  Farkas went for the chicken burger, which he was content with but Oli went for the Pulled pork burger which he said was tasteless and dry.

The pulled pork burger.  To be fair the chips were decent.

  Overall I wasn't impressed with this place, it promises so much when you walk through the doors but it is just quite simply disappointing.  If a place decides to take a gamble and lose atmosphere by creating more tables and market yourself as a foodie pub, then the food has to be good.  It wasn't. 

Summary of The Wandle

Name: The Wandle

Type: Pub

Location: 321 Garratt Lane, Earlsfield, London, SW18 4EJ

Date Visited: 24/10/14

Price: Standard again

Rating: 3.3/5


  After a few mumblings of discontent about the Halfway House, it was onto our final/second destination a short walk away.  The Wandle has almost the exact opposite effect than the Halfway House.  It seemed more ominous on arrival and we instantly knew this place was going to be more lively as there were bouncers outside, which the Halfway House didn't have.  Secondly, there was a rather unpleasant South African chap giving the bouncer grief, he had been thrown out for being too drunk and aggressive. 

  We got inside and the place was buzzing.  The lighting was nice and dark (that favours me well) and there was a decent live band playing some classics, which everyone was singing and dancing too.  The live music wasn't too loud either, which meant we were able to have a decent conversation while also occasionally attempting to sing along to 'I bet you look good on the dance floor'.  I'm not looking for romance or, which was perfect as this is not a date spot at all but somewhere to have a bit of a sesh with a bar style atmosphere.  

No photos from the night but this is the exterior.  Doesn't look much but it is.

  There is still the option for food on the other side of the bar and a wicked outside area too.  The place apparently opens up until 1/2am now.  My opinion, I cannot see a better place to go in Earlsfield for, what I like to call, a mini night out.

 I had to leave early as I had work the next day (BORING!) but I really liked this place and would happily come back.  Decent live music, awesome atmosphere and busy but not too busy if you know what I mean.  When I left, the same South African fellah from earlier had again been thwarted by the bouncers trying to get back in.  His disguise of wearing a bobble hat had not worked on this occasion.

Special Shoutout
Winner: Tom Goldwater
This weeks winner goes to Mr Goldwater or Goldy as he is known to his mates.  As you know I am keen to reward loyal readers and this man is one of them.  After spending sometime on analytics, I have discovered that this man has 'liked' and 'read' every blog post.  For that Sir I thank you.  He has also regularly given feedback and has offered his services as guest write to review places.  This option is something I am giving serious consideration for 2015.  If anyone is interested, get your cv's ready.

Poem Advice

Earlsfield's very popular, 
But what's the best watering hop?e
It can't be the Halfway House,
That place has no soul

The Wandle however,
Is pumping all night long.
Awesome live music,
For a good old sing along

Can you get away with rhyming long and along? That could well be a crime in the poetry community.  Thanks again for reading and apologies again for the amount of posts in recent times.  Trying my best to catch up.

See you soon

Remember to do the three most important things:




See you next week fans


Follow me on Twitter @jackgravestock

Sunday 21 December 2014

Week Forty One: VQ and Electric Brixton

Week Thirty Forty One

  Hello again and welcome back to another week as the year draws to a close.  This week another two places visited with one being a 24 hour restaurant diner and another being a nightclub/venue.
Special guests include: Jack Measom, Chris Kroeger, Harriet Scott, Tom Grimes, Luke Chopper Harris, Katie Siese, Georgie Gibbs, Alex Felton, Will Wright, Ed Greensmith, Gabes Langford, Milly Langford and Rob Buchanon

Summary of VQ

Name: VQ

Type: 24 Hour Cafe and Diner

Location: 325 Fulham Road, Chelsea, London, SW10 9QL

Date Visited: 17/10/14

Price: Ok but fair

Rating: 3.3/5


  It had been a big night around the corner at the classic Mare Moto as Dave and James Brown (not the late soul singer) were having their farewell evening before heading off to Australia.   2am had arrived and everyone was feeling it was time to go home but one man wasn't quite finished.  Chris Kroeger, who has a plethora of places up his sleeve, was insistent that instead of going to a standard kebab house for post lash food, that we should go for some high quality food.  I questioned whether this was possible at this time but I was to be proven wrong.

  VQ was the place and it is a 24 hour restaurant/diner. Genius.  Kroeger, Measom, Grubby, Scotty and Rob were the attendees and We were at the Chelsea branch of VW.  To my disbelief there was a queue outside despite it approaching 2.30am.  Once in after a small wait, we were seated at the table and greeted by a very pleasant but sleep deprived waiter.  Wine and beers (Even at that time you head cases!?) were ordered along with the food.

The only photo I have of VQ.  What a great photo of the queue eh?

 I went for the 6oz Cheeseburger with the added extras of caramelised onions and crispy bacon.  I didn't go for the double up option as I didn't have it in me.  Now I can't give it the most accurate review in terms of taste but I can remember mumbling that it was decent and it was certainly better than the local kebab.  More importantly the consistency of the bun was true.

  Overall you can't bloody argue with this place.   It sells decent food and is open for 24 hours while also offering table service.   Pretty impressive and it certainly helped the hangover the next day.  Another great recommendation from you Mr Kroeger.  It isn't the cheapest but still fairly priced considering what it offers and it being in the early hours of the morning.  The waiters did refuse to take a photo of us but to be fair there was a large queue outside the door, the place was full and it was 3am.  I think on this occasion I will let them off.

  I can see myself ending up here again after another Mare Motos or Kings Road session in the future.  Worth a visit.

Summary of Electric Brixton

Name: Electric Brixton

Type: Nightclub/Venue

Location: Electric Brixton, Town Hall Parade, Brixton, London, SW2 1RJ

Date Visited: 18/10/14

Price: Fair

Rating: 4/5


  Well well well, what a cracking venue this is.  The place was formerly known as the famous nightclub The Fridge but reopened around 5 years ago as Electric Brixton.  It's massive and very impressive due to it being it converted from an old Cinema in the early 1900's.  Theres the history behind it, for those of you who like the History Channel and a bit of background. 

The front of the crowd.  Edgy shot number 1 by Luke Chopper Harris

  The reason for the visit was because Groove Armada, along with other acts such as Chris Malinchak, were DJ'ing.  What a brilliant night it was. This sort of music is right up my street....chilled house (oh Jack you're so relevant and so scene!)  It's not for the faint hearted as Electric Brixton doesn't shut its doors until very late but despite the serious fatigue and sore calves you suffer from the next day, its worth it.

Siese, Felton and I

  One of the main benefits of this place is it's atmosphere.  It is a huge arena but it still compacts everybody together in a way to create that buzz you want, very similar to the Brixton 02 Academy.  Brixton does seem to get its venue right.  Other cool features of this place is the balcony, again like the 02, which overlooks the stage and dance floor.  It also has a wicked roof top smoking area which takes about an hour to get to and in all honesty is a little small but still cool.

Not my photo but shows you the set up of the venue well.

  There are people I know who swear by this place and attend it regularly.  I wouldn't go that far but if you are watching the right act then this is a great venue to come to.  Definitely one for watching a DJ or an act but not to come to simply as a nightclub.   I was impressed.

Nice edgy shot number 2 taken by Luke Chopper Harris

Special Shoutout
Winner: Rob Buchanon
Another one of my more famous readers and this guy created history in the early parts of this year.  Not in his profession of rugby but by becoming the first reader of this blog to subscribe to it!  That support cannot and will not be ignored.  Many thanks Rob for the support and starting that avalanche effect of new subscribers.  The total now is at 19.....

Poem Advice

Finished a night out
And wanting high quality food
VQ is that place for you
The staff busy but not rude

So Electric Brixton
Very impressive for sure
Though to get to the smoking area
Feels like a tour

  Many thanks once again.  Christmas is approaching so expect more blog posts to cheer up your festive period.  It's my pleasure.

Remember to do the three most important things:




See you next week fans


Follow me on Twitter @jackgravestock

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Week Forty: Circus and Daytona Karting

Week Forty

  The comeback of the blog continues and this week there are are two very different places attended.  Birthday celebrations is the theme for blog number 40, with two birthdays in total celebrated (wow that many?)
Special guests include: Joscelyn Lester, Tom Wright, Tom Goldwater, Lucy Tedstone, Bex Murphy, Tariq, Browning, Oli Grove, Mike Tame, Arthur Johnson, Nix Brown, Phoebe Nockolds, Charlie Jordan, Briony Jones, Aimee Pyatt, Bex Webb, Josh Beebee, Basti Beebee, Rob Beebee, Jake Huntley, Angus Huntley, Freddie Dixon, Richard Pearce, Brynne McCord and Jack Measom.

Summary of Circus

Name: Circus

Type: Cabaret Pan Asian Restaurant/Bar

Location: 27-29 Endell Street, London, WC2H 9BA

Date Visited: 10/10/14

Price: It's not cheap

Rating: 3.85/5


  At one stage my attendance looked unlikely due to a car crash on the way.  Have no fear everything was ok, including both people involved, and I was able to attend the birthday night.  A somewhat relieved Aimee Pyatt was the birthday girl and she had carefully chosen the venue as she was keen to visit this highly recommended venue.  

A relieved birthday girl and an unscratched Partyman

The main table at the venue had been booked and only a carefully chosen select group of guests were invited as space was limited.  On the website the place advertises itself as a pan asian restaurant which is also a bar with cabaret thrown in too.  It's not wrong and i'm afraid there are no lion tamers at this place or fire breathers but some talented performances nonetheless. 

Not getting any attention.  Clearly enthralling chat from me as Breester's busy on her phone.

 In fact the performances were very impressive and reminded me a lot of the athleticism we had seen a few weeks earlier at The Box in Soho.  No guys sitting on traffic cones here but the acts did kick off with a couple of men in their pants thrusting.  This was the one act I was disappointed to be sitting at crotch level, due to all the acts performing on our table.  The 'benefit' of sitting at the main table the girls would argue.  

Act one.

  Not to worry as next up were female gymnasts, who were wearing limited clothing, which grabbed all of the lads (Whey whey) attention quickly.  Apologies...that's very very sexist! They were unbelievable as one girl was performing some incredible gymnastic with incredible flexibility.  Some of the positions she got into were remarkable.  Some of them seemed impossible which would make some people queasy.  One member of our party unfortunately was sick but I don't think this was due to the acts.

Act two. Better

This displays how close we are.  That and spot the nutters in the background

  The acts were awesome and due to us having ringside seats it was pretty spectacular, especially watching all of these so close.  The food I thought was fantastic and the steak, that classic asian dish, being incredibly tasty.  The waitresses were a little harsh with us on the desserts as they took them away from our table after 15 minutes.  I hadn't finished and they wouldn't return them when I asked, but maybe this was due to me splattering a spoonful of souffle on my forehead.  Quite legitimate in hindsight but I still thought it was a little rude.  I suppose we hadn't been the easiest customers up to this point, with members of our party a little intoxicated (you flaming nutters, whatever next?) and a few people having impromptu naps.  

Post soufflĂ©

  After dinner was finished and the acts are done, the tables become the dance floor. What better way to end than dancing on tables for the rest of the evening? Not much is the answer.  

A cracking evening it must be said.  Not the cheapest, as is my duty to point out, with £65- £70 per head for dinner, drinks and cabaret.  You'll probably have to get a few more drinks on top so my advise to you, unless your a city slicker and made of money, is come here for a special occasion.  Which this was.  

  A cracking evening.  Well done Aims.

Jordane and Breester. 

Goldy and Luce.

Just Luce.

Summary of Daytona Karting

Name: Daytona Karting

Type: Go Karting Track

Location: Dansteed Way, Rooksley, Milton Keynes, MK13 8LD

Date Visited: 11/10/14

Price: Again, it's not cheap

Rating: 3.3/5


 After quite a heavy night at the Circus (Lad!) and the sudden realisation of my crashed car from the night before, I wasn't entirely convinced that a trip out to go karting was going to be the perfect tonic.  It was Josh Beebee's birthday this time and a good bunch of us met at London Euston to get a train down to Milton Keynes for a spot of racing.  On the way done we bumped into Owen Farrel and Josh begged him for a photo which he duly obliged.

Owen Faz making Josh's day.

  Upon arrival we firstly had to watch the safety video presented by Martin Bundle.  For those of you who have been to Daytona before, you will know how comical that video is.  After the important safety video, its then down to the track for 10 minutes qualifying followed by a 40 minute race.  

  The go karts were very nippy and I thought they spun very easily.  Well that was my issue and no one else's it seemed, as out of the 31 laps I completed, I span on 29 of them.  Some laps I frustratingly span on multiple occasions.  To say I am good a racing driver would be wholly incorrect.  In fact the one thing I have probably learned this weekend is that I am not a good driver in any occasion. (Disclaimer: That last comment is said in jest and has no bearing in a court of law).

  I finished 24th out of 27th.  I blame it on the car and that I wasn't in the right psychological state after the car crash the night before.  Did I tell you I had a car crash?  I'll put the violin away and in all seriousness, it was really good fun.  This was due to it being a nice long track in fast go karts, which is what you want when go karting.  Again not cheap at £67.  That said we did get 50 minutes track time, which isn't bad.  Josh finished a respectable second which was a stirling achievement considering the guy who won, just seemed to give off that vibe that he was there most Saturdays.  Lovely day out.

Pre race.  Judging from my face, I knew what was in store for me.

Special Shoutout
Winner: Aimee Pyatt
This weeks winner is more famously known for being a talented flautist.  This week 'small pipes' wins the coveted award and not just because it was her birthday.  She organised the whole thing, picked a very good venue, we had the best table in the house and she, more importantly, arranged one of the best seating plans I have witnessed in the modern era.  Picking myself to sit next to the birthday girl was inspired and didn't go unnoticed.  Well done Aims on a cracking night, happy birthday (even though it was now two months ago) and keep spreading that christmas cheer!

Poem Advice

Cabaret, food and drink
Circus has got it all
Impressive acrobatics
Its a wonder they didn't fall

Fancy yourself as a kart racer
Like Lewis Hamilton's past
Then head on down to Daytona
It's a shame that I came last

  Thanks again for the read guys.  Keep recommending places to me as that's what its all about.  Your love and support is always very much appreciated.

T-shirts and other merchandise will soon be available for you guys to purchase.

Remember to do the three most important things:




See you next week fans


Follow me on Twitter @jackgravestock

Monday 15 December 2014

Week Thirty Nine: Yalla Yalla

Week Thirty Nine

  Welcome again readers and I am pleased to say I think I have finally gotten over the writers block.  Thank goodness for that.  The eagle eyed readers out there have been keen to point out how far behind I am.  That is being rectified and it will be up to date before year end.  The race is on.

  This week saw only the one place visited so a nice and short one for you guys to read.  Complaints at the length of the blogs being to long have been noted also.

Special guests include: Ellie Stimpson, Laura Cramphorn, Sophie Avent and Mike Sedcole

Summary of Yalla Yalla

Name: Yalla Yalla

Type: Lebanese Restaurant

Location: 12 Winsley Street, Oxford Circus, London, W1W 8HQ

Date Visited: 01/10/14

Price: Superb

Rating: 4.1/5


  Cramphorn was back home from Kenya for a month and she was keen to feature on the blog again.  She booked us all a table at a Lebanese restaurant near Oxford Circus which she had highly recommended.  Gabriel was unable to join us so it was four of us for dinner with Stimpo and Sophie Avent, which was nice as I hadn't seen for a number of years.  Anyway back to the dinner as it's not a journal.  

  This restaurant is conveniently located a short walk away from Oxford Circus, on a nice quiet street set back away from Oxford Street.  The place has a very buzzy atmosphere about it as soon as you walk through the door and thats probably helped due to a similar seating policy as wagamas.  There are effectively a lot of big nice wooden tables dotted around, with numerous different groups accompanying the same table.  This I think helps to create that buzz you want to have when eating at a restaurant.  

Girls night out

 The staff were incredibly friendly too.  In fact the whole place has a great feel to it and as soon as you walk through the entrance, you're at the bar and greeted by a grinning (but not in a creepy way) member of staff.  

  On to the food and I must say that didn't disappoint too. We all went for the traditional approach when ordering Lebanese, get a lot of dishes and share amongst us all.  The dishes came quickly and were very tasty indeed.  I was a little apprehensive before it arrived, as the girls seemed keen to order a few dishes which included the words spicy and chilli in them.  They weren't spicy at all, which was good and makes think that I may be training myself up in the spice world?  Who'd of thought it.

  The dishes were all fantastic and is a place I really recommend going to if you work near here. Also a classic date spot I reckon for the Lothario's amongst the readers.  The dishes in particular that  I liked were the Hommos Shawarma, which was chickpea puree topped with marinated thin slices of lamb fillet.  It was beaut.  The falafels were also superb it must be said.  However my favourite was the Soujoc.  This is somewhat surprising considering these are home made spicy Lebanese sausages with tomato, parsley and lemon juice.  I told you I am training myself up.

Here is the bill.  Decent effort.

  To conclude, a restaurant I highly recommend visiting for the Lebanese lovers.  Well priced too at £31 a head all in.

Special Shoutout
Winner: Mike Sedcole
This week goes to another loyal reader who I feel deserves the recognition.  I receive a weekly phone call from this man giving me honest, sometimes brutal, feedback on each weeks blog entry.  Your support is much appreciated and I hope to see you feature more frequently on this blog.  Well done buddy and keep the feedback coming.

Poem Advice

Yalla Yalla off Oxford Street,
A cracking Lebanese place
All the staff nice and friendly,
With Cheshire grins on their face

  Told you it was a nice and short entry folks.  Another will be published in a few days with a nice trip to the Circus.  Thanks for the read.

Remember to do the three most important things:




See you next week fans


Follow me on Twitter @jackgravestock