Thursday 22 May 2014

Week Nineteen: A night out in Leicester Square

Week Nineteen

  Well hello again readers and this week was quite fun.  First things first I must give a shoutout to Freddie Dixon who is responsible for the idea behind the question and answer feature....Thanks Fred!  

Right back to business and all the new places took place on Tuesday night and was predominantly around the Leicester square vicinity.   The Financier made another welcome return and treated us to a meal Kettner's, which has featured on Made in Chelsea from time to time, and after that me and Will Matthews ventured on to a couple more bars before home time.  

  On a separate note, no-one managed to guess the question (2 people guessed) correctly so the question remains the same until guessed.  It's pretty easy. 

Special guests include:  The Financier (Dad), Sonia Gravestock, a brother (Joe) and Syd (Will Matthews)

Summary of Kettner's

Name: Kettner's

Type: Restaurant and Bar and Private Rooms

Location: 29 Romilly Street, Soho, London, W1D 5HP

Date Visited: 13/05/14

Price: Ask Dad

Rating: 4.2/5

Answer to the Question: Graham Norton


  The Financier had returned to the big smoke once again (loves the blog) and this time treated us to Kettner's which has featured on Made on Chelsea a few times if you wondering how you recognised the name.  None of them were there this evening but Will, Joe my bro, Sonia and the Financier were and we started off at the restaurant bar for a few looseners.  The beer of choice was 1936 and if your a lover of beers then give it a go.  

Cracking beer this

I had the tart special for starters which was spinach and salmon (I think) and it was delightful.  Only slight criticism was the pastry was slightly overcooked so when you tried to put your fork into it the tart crumbled.  The shovelling technique was adopted and no more was a great starter.

  For the main course I went for the beef bourguignon which was delightful for want of a better word. Sides of greens, mash and of course the go to chips accompanied the beef and not forgetting the delightful gravy sauce.  The beef was cooked to perfection with it just delicately falling away.  Magnificent.


Desserts were deemed too much and the bill was paid.  The reason for the small amount of down marking was the fact that the main took at over an hour to arrive which put a minuscule dampener on the otherwise exceptional service.  The waiter to his credit did come over to apologise when he realised that The Financier had run out of his go to anecdotes.

Couldn't tell you the price but I can tell you that this is a restaurant I would come too and definitely visit again.  Pat on the back.

Summary of ManBar

Name: Manbar

Type: Gay bar

Location: 79 Charing Cross Road, Soho, London, WC2H 0NE

Date Visited: 13/05/14

Price: Reasonable

Rating: 2/5

Answer to the Question: Dr Christian Jessen


Will and I were fancying a couple more drinks after the dinner before venturing home when we stumbled upon Manbar.  I asked Will if he fancied it with which he replied 'Well we are both men.'

  We ordered two Guinness's at the bar (bit of a rogue shout after a big feed) with PSY (not my lookalike) gangnamstyle playing in the background.  Then we started to notice our surroundings.  Not a single female in sight, some questionable piercings on the barman and photos of shirtless guys were everywhere.   The place of course was a Gaybar which I have nothing against but with me and Will coming as a pair we were giving off the wrong vibes.  The place wasn't really kicking off anyway so we sat outside the front with penis shaped hedges and photos of topless men for decor.

The giveaway posters with Gangnam in the background back left

  To be fair when the answer to the question was Dr Christian Jessen from embarrassing bodies we should of clocked on but I won't have a bad word to say about this place as they poured two perfect Guinness's with clovers to accompany them.

Manbar's decor

 Due to it not being my vibe and the atmosphere being relatively flat (there were only 8 guys all sitting on their own) I can't give this place a 3.  Can't fault the Guinness though

Summary of The Porcupine

Name: The Porcupine

Type: Pub

Location: 48 Charing Cross Road, London, WC2H 0BS

Date Visited: 13/05/14

Price: Standard

Rating: 3.5/5

Answer to the Question: The small guy from the film Thor?! (Chris Hemsworth)


  I have been trying to visit this place every time I have been at Leicester Square but for reasons I can't remember I have never made it here.  There was not a chance I was heading to the brewmaster again so Will and I headed in here for another Guinness.  

  This place is a proper old fashioned pub with a real rustic feel inside.  Music was at a minimal level to create atmosphere but not hinder conversation.  The barmaid was extremely nice and she surprised us by going for the clover in the pint which wasn't quite as good as the previous place but a sterling effort.

Will and I outside the Porcupine (not much more I can say)

  We only had the one but if it hadn't been a Tuesday I would of happily had more.  That and the final orders bell had been rung.  This place does get fairly busy post work, I was told by the barmaid, but if you are nearby midweek at 9ish then this is a good place to go for a proper pint and put the world to rights.

  With that the Leicester Square night had ended and that another week.

Special Shoutout

Winner: The Financier
Rating: 5/5

I feel the man deserves this after him publicly funding over 50% off the blog so far.  With the Financier present my bank balance stays unscathed and the places we go, are always extremely top drawer.  This blog is beginning to give him unprecedented celebrity status with him telling me not a week goes by before he isn't stopped for an autograph.  

Poem Advice

Kettner's the lovely restaurant,
The financier had returned,
Phenomenal food I must say
Apart from the tart was slightly burned

Manbar the name of the bar
The name gives it away
Not your classic date spot
Unless of course you're gay

A good old fashioned pub
Is where you want to go
Then the Porcupine's for you
Although the service is quite slow.

 That poem was slightly better wasn't it (if I may say so myself).  Next week I am venturing to the Big Easy on Kings Road and a small trip to Scotland.  Should be a good week. Don't forget to subscribe.

See you next week fans


Follow me on Twitter @jackgravestock

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