Thursday 4 September 2014

Week Thirty: Lupita, Toy Shop Bar and Goodmans

Week Thirty

  I do feel that over the summer months I seem to start each week with an apology.  This week is no different, to my loyal readers/fans I apologise about the hiatus between the blog entries over recent weeks.  I have been a busy man but that is no excuse.  It won't happen again and I have now refocussed.  I'm back.

  This week saw a week of three meals in three days at various different places in London, catching up friends who I hadn't seen for a while.  Oh and the Financier was back in town again with Steak very much on his mind.  3 very different meals of varied quality.  Good week though.

Special guests include: Sarah Collins, Charlie Jordan, The Financier, The Brother (Joe) and Ed Cracknell.

Summary of Lupita

Name: Lupita

Type: Mexican Restaurant

Location: 13-15 Villiers Street, London, WC2N 6ND

Date Visited: 29/07/14

Price: Fair

Rating: 3.65/5


  It was a Tuesday night and the sun was out (I did warn you that this blog might be a bit behind now).  Sarah Collins, an old friend from home, was desperate to feature in the blog (who can blame her) again, as we hadn't seen each other since Week 3 (worth a read).   

  We firstly met up at Southbank and had a jug of pimms at the rooftop bar which overlooks the Thames.  Not sure if it is actually a place or just a pop up bar which just happens to be there.  Well whatever it is, I don't know the name so it isn't getting a review but what I can say is that is very nice and had a nice buzzy atmosphere to it.  Couldn't get pints though which was a shame.

The rooftop bar at Southbank...I'm not looking my best, view's tidy though

  Anyway after the Pimms we went for food as I was moaning about being starving, which if you know me isn't a pleasant thing to be around, so Sarah booked a table at a Mexican restaurant recommended by Matthew Gilleard (Shout out for you bro).  

  The Mexican restaurant is tucked away nicely in between Charing Cross and Embankment.  The restaurant is very authentic especially with all the waiters originating from Mexico (always a good start) and speaking very broken english.  This did result in a bit of a mix up in orders and it wasn't the most electric service I have received but it's all part of the experience, I told myself.

 The food was proper Mexican food too.  Now I am sure the majority of you guys have been to Wahaca, which for the record is bloody brilliant.  The difference, however, between Wahaca and this place is that Wahaca sort of has that fast food vibe but with the food quality being high of course, unlike Nandos and Chipotle (I don't care what people say).  Each Lupita dish looks like it has been freshly cooked and done from scratch which you don't get from Wahaca.  Well thats what I think anyway.

  Phenomenal food as I was able to avoid everything spicy on the menu. The Clasicos totopos were very nice. The Pollo Encebollado quesdallias were my favourite by quite some distance.  Avoid the cactus tacos....they were a mistake.  It is completely tasteless and bland.  That's coming from me and not Sarah, who seemed to quite like them.

  Really do recommend this place and if you like your mexican food then this place is spot on.  Good date spot.  Well done Sarah and Matt.

Summary of Toy Shop

Name: The Toy Shop Bar

Type: Bar

Location: 32 Putney High Street, Putney, London, SW17 1SQ

Date Visited: 30/07/14

Price: Hmmm

Rating: 2.3/5


  So Tuesday was done and it was time for Wednesday.  Charlie Jordan was the lucky reader this time, where we were meeting up in her home town (area) in Putney.  I had missed her birthday night out the weekend before due to being at the Silverstone Classic and the Rose bowl.  To make up for missing her festivities I said we would go for a few drinks midweek.   Charlie lives in Putney and I have wanted to try the Toy Shop Bar for a while so we went there for all blog purposes.  

  As the day went on I was getting more and more hungry so I was keen to get a bite to eat.  I booked a table and after a few G +T's, beers and H20 it was time to order some food.  Heres a tip for you folks, if a place has the word bar in its isn't going to be anything special.  That said it was still ok but not great.  We went for the Rosemary and Garlic meatballs to start which came in a chipotle and pepper sauce.  I asked the waitress if this was spicy and was assured it wasn't.  This was her first of a few mistakes in the evening.    It was very spicy.  I may be exaggerating slightly as I do consider the Tikka Massala a spicy option at a curry.   That said it was still spicy and my tongue was on fire and that had nothing to do with my electric chat.

  For the main, I went for the Lobster and Crab burger (surprise surprise).  This was pretty poor to be honest.  The burger was a lobster and crab fish cake, yes the bun kept its consistency but it's not hard too with a fishcake to contend with.  It was disappointing.

 The evening itself was a lot of fun and I found myself rather tipsy after only a few beers and a few Gin and Tonics.  Charlie was also feeling a little merry and the reason why was quickly explained.  The waitress had been plying us with double Gin and Tonics all night despite us ordering singles.  To make matters worse we were presented a ghastly large bill which included these doubles rather than singles. We complained, I hate to say, but you can't reward dishonest up-selling.  That's the salesman in me talking.

 To the managers credit he knocked it off the bill for us, but not before asking us if we felt like being honest and contributing a bit as we did have doubles, cheeky bugger.   He did eventually knock it off so we had the correct bill and paid before stumbling out (you nutters).

  Now despite bill gate and the average food I do really like this place.  The decor is cool, it has a really buzzy atmosphere inside and is definitely somewhere you should go for a few drinks/night out with friends.  Toy shop bar is cool and I would come again.  Just never for food and only drinks.  

The infamous bill.  Is it good value or not?

  If you are reading this and feel we are being a bit 'tight' for not paying for the doubles then you are wrong.  This waitress had been doing it all night, to all the tables around us and we were told that we were the fifth table to complain.

  Despite what may seem a very negative review I would suggest coming here for drinks.  Just be very clear with your order otherwise you could find yourself crawling out of the joint.

Summary of  Goodman

Name: Goodman Restaurant

Type: Steak Restaurant

Location: 24-26 Maddox Street, London, W1S 1QH

Date Visited: 31/07/14

Price: Ask Dad

Rating: 4.8/5


 Thursday had arrived for the final leg of the three restaurant days and The Financier was strutting his stuff in London once again.   The restaurant of choice this time was Goodmans and we were joined by my brother and Ed Cracknell who had earned himself a call up.   

 Goodmans is a steak restaurant and there are three of them dotted around in total in London.  We went to the Mayfair one and it was quite simply....exceptional.

  Now I could be lynched for this, especially with the Hawksmoor faithful, but it was the best steak I have had in London.  Fact.  Put that in your pipe and smoke it.  The steak was, and I'll say it again, exceptional.  Mouthwateringly good.

Best steak in London. Fact.

 I went for the T-bone USDA steak with it cooked medium rare.  It was cooked to perfection and was delicious.  I went for the Gravestock sauce combo (Bearnaise sauce and peppercorn sauce) which again worked beautifully, especially accompanied with the beef dripping chips.  Getting hungry yet?  Well one of the recommendations I had from this place was that you have to try their famous mac n cheese.  Now (do I write now quite a lot?) I am not a huge fan of the mac n cheese dish but this particular mac n cheese was out of this world.  Incredible food and this feeling was felt amongst us all around the table.  

Lovely photo this. Eh?

  I then threw the big statement down on the table, that this was the best steak restaurant in London.  After much debating over the big three (Hawksmoor, Goodmans and Gaucho) we came to a decision.  Now (damn it) I have been lucky enough to go to all three.  They all have a great service, great steak and a great atmosphere but others specialise in different aspect to the others.

Here is the perfect combination:

For the best steak: Goodmans 
For the best atmosphere: Hawksmoor
For the best service: Gaucho

Thats my opinion.  I hope you agree with me. You should do because it's correct

Anyway this place was superb and I cannot recommend it any more.  If you're a lover of steak you must come here.  Hawksmoor steak is unreal but Goodmans takes first place.  Controversial.

Well and truly full

Special Shoutout

Winner: The Readers/The Fans
You all deserve a shout out this week guys.  You have been patient with me during a spell of  only a few blog posts over the course of a month.  I'm back and more will be posted regularly.  Don't worry.  Thank you for your patience and continued support

Poem Advice

After an Authentic Mexican
And your near Charing Cross
Then you have to go to Lupita
If you don''s your loss

If you live in around Putney 
and fancy a cool place
Then the Toyshops for you
Order a single, they'll charge a brace

Goodmans restuarant 
is a place you must eat
Best steak in London
and thats no small feat

Song of the Week

Western Disco feat. Lura - The Sun (Black Box remix)

  Thanks again as always for reading. The support is very much appreciated

Remember to do the three most important things:




See you next week fans


Follow me on Twitter @jackgravestock

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