Wednesday 1 April 2015

Week Fifty Two: The Final Blog (2014 End of Year Review)

Week Fifty Two

  Hello again fans and I start off with some sad news.  This will be the last ever blog post as I feel the time is right to finish, what better way to sign off than at the end of the calendar year.  It is with regret the blog 'a new place every week' will be no more.  I am and still will be going to a new place every week and who knows I may return with a new reformatted blog one day....

  In the final edition, I will do a very quick review of Turtle Bay which I went to with friends in Leamington Spa and then we will have an overall review with various awards, stats and moments of nostalgia from 2014.  So put on the saddest song you know folks while you read the final blog sad.

Summary of Turtle Bay

Name: Turtle Bay

Type: Caribbean Restaurant

Location: Regent Court Centre, 28 Livery Street, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV32 4NG

Date Visited: 27/12/14

Price: Ok

Rating: 3.3/5


  Due to the fact I had food poisoning on this evening it was not one of my favourite nights.  Despite not feeling sharp, I was still taking note of the surroundings (such a professional) and I liked them. The circle bar situated in the centre of the place means it keeps everything sociable and adds to the atmosphere nicely.  In addition there are tables on the outskirts for people who are eating, which again works well.

The gang at Turtle Bay

  The Turtle Bay have got the set up right and I imagine its a popular dating spot in Leamington Spa due to it doing food, cocktails and having a decent atmosphere.  Lighting was also spot on too.  Only criticism was the bouncer/bar staff wouldn’t initially let our group of guys in, due to there being too many guys/they were "too full".  Madness when you have 15 people wanting to spend money on a particularly quiet night in Leamington with it being Monday 27th December.  Once Chris Kroeger ‘calmly’ explained this, we were allowed in.  Other than that not bad and the cocktails were pretty nice too.

Final Special Shoutout
Winner: Briony Jones
This weeks and what turns out to be final special shout goes to Breester.  Although she does often  seem to forget where the like button is on Facebook, I do know she is a loyal and weekly reader.  A deserved special shout out and many thanks for suggesting many new places to visit. Well done and your support has always been noted and appreciated.  Shame I was unable to review her birthday night out at Paradise by Way of Kensal Green which is arguably the best birthday venue. Well done.

End of Year Review 

  Total Number of Places Reviewed - 123 different places  (2.36 places per week on average)
  Total Number of Hits/Views - 12,586 hits/views  (246 average readers per week)

  Funniest moment -  Night out at Hard Rock Cafe in Sharm El Sheikh with Paul and Diane from Middlesborough (Week here to view)

  Most Exciting moment - Tom Goldwater getting a 180 in darts (Week here to view)

  Weirdest Moment - Either accidentally visiting Man Bar (Week here to view) or the man in a gorilla suit hosting bingo with a Tina Turner impersonator at Kaff Bar (Week here to view)
  Messiest Night - Bex's birthday meal out at Jak's (Week here to view) on a par with The Swan (Week here to view)

  Blog entry read the most - Week 45 - Radio Rooftop Bar and STK (click here to view)

  Blog entry read the least Week 16 - Riverside (click here to view)

  Number of different special guests - 153 different people

  Special Guest with the most appearances -  1. My biggest fan Chris Hazell (17 caps) 2= Tom Wright and Will Matthews (15 caps) 

  Pub with the best beer garden - The Garden Gate in Week 10 (click here to view)

  Best Value for money - Big Easy, all you can eat Fajita night! Week 20 (click here to view)

  Biggest Disappointment - Maddox Club. Week 27 (click here to view)

  Best burger - Oli Leech's homemade burger surprisingly was never bettered

  Best Sporting Occasion/Arena - The Ryder Cup at Gleneagles. Week 38 (click here to view)

  Best City visited other than London - Madrid. Week 8 (click here to view)

Now on to the big awards....

The Hall of Fame Top 5

1. Goodman Restaurant - 4.8 (Week 30)
2. Jaks - 4.7 (Week 14)
3.  34 - 4.6  (Week 15)
4= Big Easy - 4.55 (Week 20) 
4= L’Entrecote - 4.55 (Week 28)

Hall of Shame (Worst Places of 2014) Top 5

1. WC. -0.8.... Absolutely horrendous (Week 31)
2. Meat and Shake -1.2 Appalling place. Like a fast food restaurant. No alcohol served (Week 37)
3. The Malt House - 1.6  The service slow and food poor.  Also hospitalised Oli Grove. (Week 35)
4. The Brewmaster - 1.7  Dingy (Week 11)
5. The Kafana Cafe - 1.8  Nothing was right with this place apart from the chips. (Week 5)

Most Loyal Reader/Supporter -  There have been many contenders and all deserved.  To decide who was number one was tricky but Luke Chopper Harris gets the title. He reads it every week from start to finish and gives words of support and encouragement throughout.  He deserves to win this honour as I back him as the only person who has read every single word of this blog. Bex Murphy a very close second.

Notable mentions - Now there a lot of people who deserve a final mention.  Oli Leech for being an early champion of the blog.  The Financier of course for financing much of the blog and taking me to some fantastic restaurants.  Bex Murphy the competition winner and keen blog advertiser.  JJ Dargan for his silent but appreciative weekly reading. My biggest fan, Will Matthews and Lefty must get a mention for simply coming to many of these new places with me.  Ed Cracknell and Nick Farkas of course and to our overseas readers Chris O Brien and Cramphorn.  Tom Goldwater, Will Wright, Mike Sedcole and Chloe Bushill of course too.  There are many others who deserve a shout out too so sorry if I've missed you off. Thank you all.

10 things we have learnt?

1. Bun consistency is key and the most important factor when it comes to a good burger.  
2. I love burgers.  
3. Wooden tables are extremely important to success, especially when it comes to a pub.  
4. If you have a restaurant always get a round table… much more sociable.  
5. Don’t play live music on a Friday night but if you insist then get the volume right.  
6. Beer gardens are awesome.  
7. Going the extra mile with service does make a difference.  
8. Nicknaming your Dad the Financier and getting him on board with blogging increases the amount of nice restaurants you get to visit...for free 
9. I have terrible grammer
10. Writing a blog is time consuming

What Now?  

One day I aim to return with the blog (so 2015) in a new format.  Maybe one blog post a month would work.  However breath a sigh of relief as I won’t be filling up your timeline on a weekly basis anymore.  For now....This.Is.It.  I am still visiting a new place every week and will continue to do so for the rest of your life (Good for you!)

The Final Poem

Finally the year is done
And with that the blog has too
Every type of place reviewed
Except a museum or Zoo!

A Few Select Photos

One of the funniest all dayers of 2014   

The Financier

The accidental selfie of a random fellah in Clapham

Cracking night at Bloomsbury Lanes

Unbelievable Jeff.  180 from Goldwater

Accidentally stumbling on Manbar

The Gorilla hosting Bingo in Brixton

No words needed

Superb meal in Madrid. Big weekend


Thanks so much for all the support.  Over the past year there have been many kind words (amongst the bad) and all the messages of recommendations and support were all very much appreciated (put the violin down).  Lets finish with an old cliche….without any of you guys none of this would have been possible (your milking it Jack!).   It’s been quite a journey. Do please continue to recommend places to me as I am always keen to try out new places!

I'll ask for the last time...Remember to please like and share for one last time!

Goodbye fans

Viva La Blog

Follow me on Twitter @jackgravestock and Instagram @jackgravestock

If you have any recommendations do please email me them to

Sunday 22 March 2015

Week Fifty One: Keys and Kitchen

Week Fifty One

  Second last blog post of the year and its Christmas time! Whey! Merry Christmas everyone.  Only the one place visited and it was back in my hometown Stratford Upon Avon.  Shakespeare's birthplace if you want the history.

  Make sure you catch next week which will be a special year end review edition.  Looking tasty.

Special guests include: Will Wright and my biggest fan (Chris Hazell)

Summary of Keys and Kitchen

Name: Keys and Kitchen

Type: Pub

Location: 6 Ely Street, Stratford-Upon-Avon, Warwickshire, CV37 6LW

Date Visited: 24/12/14

Price: Well priced

Rating: 3.5/5


 I had returned to the promised land and Christmas eve was upon us.  Seems weird to be saying that as we approach the summer of 2015.  I was at my Dads in Broadway but very keen to venture into Stratford-Upon-Avon for a few drinks as I always like getting a tad messy the night before Christmas (wow your so cool).  There were not many willing participants but Will Wright and my biggest fan (Chris Hazell) were keen.  We started off at the Windmill before heading to the popular and trendy Church Street Townhouse which had a cracking live band performing, which we were loving.

The live music at Church Street Townhouse

  From there we moved onto Ely Street to try out the new establishment of the Keys and Kitchen.  For those local readers out there who know Stratford-Upon-Avon, this used to be the Cross Keys opposite the Queens Head.  The three of us were keen to try it out and we were not left disappointed. The place was heaving and the atmosphere buzzing with the festive music blaring out from the speakers.  We were only there for a couple but I rate this little boozer.  It is deceptively big, with it looking tiny from the outside due to its small room at front of the bar, but it goes back very far and has a superb beer garden to the rear.  I must say we were all impressed and I’d happy come back here again when I next visit Stratford. 

Will, me and my biggest fan (Chris Hazell)

The place describes itself as having that country pub with an extraordinary twist.  Not often will I agree with a pubs self description of itself, on this occasion I will to an extent, as that was exactly the feel this place had.  Maybe an extraordinary modern twist is a bit misleading.  The place is newly opened (back in December) and worth visiting if your out for a few drinks in Stratford.  That said it was Christmas Eve so we could of caught it on a good night.  Worth a look.

Special Shoutout
Winner:Lucy Speich
This penultimate winner goes to Lucy Speich and it is richly deserved.  Another loyal reader who thoroughly deserves the shout out with her entering the category of a weekly reader.  She has always been very supportive and describes herself as 'a fan'.  Top work Lucy and continue the support.  Spread the word!

Poem Advice

In Shakespeares home town
Out for a few beers
Then visit Keys and Kitchen
Good atmos with christmas cheers!

Thanks again for the read guys and keep the support coming.  Make sure you catch next week for a special year end review.

Remember to do the three most important things:




See you next week fans


Follow me on Twitter @jackgravestock

Thursday 5 March 2015

Week Fifty: The Cadogan Arms

Week Fifty

  With the first of three blog posts before the end of 2014.  Again only the one place this week and it was a visit to a classic pub on the Kings Road.  A good pub too.

Special guests include: Will Wright, Mike Sedcole, Tom Griggs and Luke Chopper Harris.

Summary of The Cadogan Arms

Name: The Cadogan Arms

Type: Pub

Location: 298 Kings Road, Chelsea, London, SW3 5UG

Date Visited: 15/12/14

Price: Ok

Rating: 3.7/5


 It was time for another university reunion with my old housemates from 2nd and final year.  It wasn't all 5 of us as Nick Jay is still residing in Leeds preparing for his big summer wedding later this year.  Stag weekend coming soon folks, Berlin too....

  Now when the four of us meet up it has to be a competition between Griggs and Myself V Sedcole and Wrighty.   These usually involve a sport of some kind and this time, after previous rounds of bowling, table tennis and gambling, it was time for pool (billiards for the traditionalists out there).  It was tricky to find a venue that specifically does this or where you can rent a table for this sole purpose.  Well shall I tell you which venue does offer this service? The Cadogan Arms that's where.

Action shot of Griggs bottling it

  Here for an extremely cheap £10 you can hire a table for an hour in a private room, they cleverly call this 'The Billiards Room'.   This room is brilliant and has two tables available for hire and is nicely tucked away upstairs.  You can bring your beers and order food for it to be brought up there, which makes things nicely convenient.  They call that table service Jack.

  The equipment was well looked after too, which was important to the actual game of Pool and made for an enjoyable contest. I unfortunately lost.  Moving quickly on and back to the place.  I think its a tidy little venue and I like the Billiards room, you can also hire it out for birthdays and turn it into a dining room with the pool tables removed.  I think would be a good little area for a birthday as it could easily hold 50.  Not the cheapest option though.

The moment me and Griggs lost the pool

  The food was good but a little pricey, what do you expect in Chelsea?! and I was a little annoyed that once we finished the pool and returned to the bar downstairs they wouldn't let us sit at a nearby table.  'It's for the restaurant only Sir!' I was kindly informed.  Fair enough and I do understand that, but it was 945pm on a Monday night (you lads out on a Monday!?!?!) and every table was empty in the 'restaurant'.   Bit unnecessary I thought, lacked a bit of common sense.

Good shot this one.  Nun pun intended

  This was the only downside of the evening, that and losing.  The Cadogan Arms is definitely worth a visit if you are a fan of pool and one to consider if you are looking for an area which can fit around 50 people for a birthday meal or an occasion of some sort.  Beer was decent, the pub itself is impressive and the food ok.  I liked it.  Would of got a 4 if it wasn't for the waiter denying access to the holy grail/table.  Good job.

Special Shoutout
Winner: Luke Chopper Harris
He's got it once already but he richly deserves his second special shoutout of the season.  The man it seems is genuinely interested in the blog and continues to recommend places, while sharing his personal critique.  Although others have ironically been called the 'blogs biggest fan', this man is definitely up there as one of them.  Your support over the year has not gone unnoticed and has been greatly appreciated. Keep it coming Chops. 

Poem Advice

Searching for some pool
While your on Kings Road
Then off to Cadogan Arms
Only £10 at this abode

Thanks again for the read guys and keep the support coming.

Remember to do the three most important things:




See you next week fans


Follow me on Twitter @jackgravestock

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Week Forty Nine: Kona Kai

Week Forty Nine

  Another week as we edge closer to the end of 2014.  It's trickier than it looks this blog malarchy, I tell thee.  This week it was the celebration of Georgie Gibbs and Laura Martin's birthday at a cheeky Hawaiian bar in Chelsea.

Special guests include: Charlie Hayter, Freddie Dixon, Tom Goldwater, Georgie Gibbs, Laura Martin, Katie Siese, Lex Burgess, Crawford, Ben Macandrews, Gabes Langford, Luke Chopper Harris, Alexandra Reid, Ayliss, Josh Lee, Rusty, Charlie Banks and Ed Cracknell.

Summary of Kona Kai

Name: Kona Kai

Type: Hawaiian themed bar

Location: 515 Fulham Road, Chelsea, London, SW6 1HD

Date Visited: 12/12/14

Price: Normal

Rating: 3.95/5


It was Friday night and there was a plethora of birthday celebrations about (ooo popular).  Charlie Hayter was the first man celebrating a birthday and he was keen to have drinks, which is a celebration in itself, so a few lads congregated at the Durell Arms to have some beers and shots of Sambuca too (mavericks!).  The live music came on, as it always bloody does there, so it was time to move on to the next place...after quickly dancing to a few classics of course.

  Georgie Gibbs and Laura Martin were the other two ladies hosting birthday celebrations and had chosen the venue of Kona Kai in Chelsea. Upon arrival I got a very warm welcome from Ayliss, much to the horror of Josh Lee but to the delight of others (me).  The banterous opening was a sign of things to come and I must say I am big fan on this joint.  Hey, it's not going to win any awards or be a regular celebrity haunt, but it knows what 'it' is and does 'it' well.  What on earth does that even mean?! 

Josh Lee and I.  Tense.

 Basically it doesnt disguise itself as a fancy upmarket Chelsea bar.  It markets itself as a place where you can happily drink cocktails, dance around like a madman and really get stuck in.  I have to say everytime I seem to go to a Hawaiian themed bar it seems to have this vibe.  In fact, I don't think I have ever had a bad night in a Hawaiian themed bar.  You get a flowery necklace, cocktails out of cocunt esque containers and a dance floor of a suitable size to bust your worst moves. The dream.  You can't go wrong with an Hawaiian, unless its a pizza....that is wrong!

One of two photos I found on my phone the next day.  Interesting.

  I had a cracking night and everyone was on top form.  The drinks were well priced, the staff friendly and the music spot on, with it not being too cheesy but the classics were still being played.  The main reason why I rated this place, and all Hawaiian bars, is because everyone is always in such good spirits.  I don't know what it is, maybe its the staff who are loving life but literally everyone in there from DJ to Barstaff to partygoers is having a bloody good time.  That's why I liked this place and if you are looking for a relaxed place to have a birthday party but also to get very loose....this is the perfect place.  

  Not the biggest and nothing spectacular but it does the job.  Relatively well priced too considering the location.  Great company, great night.

Kona Kai.  Cool eh?

Special Shoutout
Winner: Georgie Gibbs and Laura Martin
A blog first this.   A joint award for the special shoutout!  You can't pick one out of these two, as they both hosted a truly stupendous night out.  Both great friends but I do still remain dubious as to whether they fall into the category of 'regular reader'.  Great choice of venue by the two of them and a superb night out.  Well done!

Poem Advice

A great way to celebrate your birthday
At the Hawaiian Kona Kai
You can really get stuck in
It's awesome, I tell no lie

Many thanks once again for the read guys and I will (I hope) see you all again soon. Adios.

Remember to do the three most important things:




See you next week fans


Follow me on Twitter @jackgravestock

Thursday 5 February 2015

Week Forty Eight: Brew Wharf and No. 32

Week Thirty Forty Eight

  December had arrived (but we are in February Jack? I'm working on it alright) so everyone was getting into the festive spirit and keen to go out for drinks.  On the Friday it was my biggest fan's (Chris Hazell) birthday so it was a night out around Clapham.  Before that Will Wright, Griggsy and I went for a few drinks around London Bridge.

Special guests include: Will Wright, Tom Griggs, Brynne Mccord, Josh Beebee, Jamie Collins, Will Matthews, Natalie Langley, Lizzie, My biggest fan (Chris Hazell) and Lee Ryan.

Summary of Brew Wharf

Name: Brew Wharf

Type: Bar

Location: Brew Wharf Yard, Stoney Street, London Bridge, London, SE1 9AD

Date Visited: 05/12/14

Price: Classic

Rating: 3.4/5


 Before heading over to Clapham old town, I headed over to London Bridge for a few post work drinks (your such a cliche) with Griggsy and Will Wright.  After trying a few pubs, which were all unsuitably rammed, we decided on the Brew Wharf which has an impressive entrance through the railway arches.  Pretty cool opening it must be said.

  Inside and the bar is nice and spacious with many tables but plenty of room to stand around near the bar too.  I thought the lighting was a bit aggressive, however there was a buzzy atmosphere to the place.   I can only imagine that it is absolutely heaving and bustling in the summer as it's outside area at the front of the property looked rather sociable (if that's possible?!).

  There was a decent range of beer too and the set up of bar was also impressive.   Looking at the website, Brewharf was created by the Michelin restauranter Claudio Pulze (oh him? It must be good then) so I imagine the food here would'n't be too shabby either.

The impressive bar of Brew Wharf

 I liked this place as it wasn't too busy but a good atmosphere inside.  While coming out of the toilet I was stopped by 3 bouncers/security type folk who had to stop all toilet goers exiting.  This was because Lee Ryan was being escorted from upstairs through the back exit.  Lee clocked me and suddenly clicked that it was another notorious restauranteur...he tried to make his way back to get an autograph but Alas the moment had passed.

Me, Will and Griggs 

Summary of No. 32

Name: No. 32 The Old Town

Type: Trendy Bar

Location: 32 The Pavement, Clapham Old Town, London, SW4 0JE

Date Visited: 05/12/14

Price: Nothing mental

Rating: 3.86/5


  After leaving Brew Wharf it was time to head off to Clapham Old Town to celebrate my biggest fan's (Chris Hazell) birthday.  We briefly visited Jam Tree and The Sun (both decent outfits) before heading to No. 32.   Here we were joined by a strong unit (Lee Ryan had other plans) with the drinks flowing and the dance moves glowing.

  No. 32 is a trendy looking bar which was formerly known as The Frog.  God it's better than the Frog, which had a terrible feel to the place and my least favourite watering hole in Old Town by some distance.  No. 32 however could be one of my new faves (sorry for the abbreviation use) with it having wicked modern art esque decor inside with decent mood lighting and good music.

It also has a strong gender split, which is always important, and something The Frog was not particularly successful at achieving.  There was a strong group of us there celebrating Chris' birthday which obviously makes a night more enjoyable.  I distinctly remember the barman being very impressive with a fantastic knowledge of all the different gin's on offer and which one he would recommend.  A rarity to have a knowledgeable barman these days.

The gang celebrating Mr. Hazell's birthday

 One to return this bar as there are booths dotted around the outskirts, the bar is situated in the middle which in turn creates a very sociable atmosphere.  I am told its a popular haunt on a Saturday. Recommend.

Special Shoutout
Winner: Tom Griggs

Another regular reader of the blog who has been a keen supporter and close friend for many years.  This man has the patience of a saint and has overcome his rare allergy to the internet to become a weekly reader.  For that loyalty and continue readership....I thank you.

Poem Advice

Are you in London Bridge?
Wanting a spacious bar
Brew Wharf is the place to go to
The creators got a michelin star

Then your off to Clapham Oldtown,
To No. 32 the cool trendy haunt
It used to be a place called the Frog
Which was depressing and gaunt

Many thanks once again.  Your support and loyalty is greatly appreciated.

See you next week folks

Remember to do the three most important things:




See you next week fans


Follow me on Twitter @jackgravestock

Monday 26 January 2015

Week Forty Seven: The Nightingale

Week Thirty Forty Seven

  Another short week for you guys with only the one place visited and it was done at the last possible opportunity....8pm on the Sunday evening.  This was the closest I had been to failing in 2 years.  Dramatic.

Special guests include: Will Wright

Summary of The Nightingale

Name: The Nightingale

Type: Pub

Location: 97 Nightingale Lane, Balham, SW12 8NX

Date Visited: 30/11/14

Price: Standard

Rating: 3/5


  It had been a quiet week following Padstow, resulting in keeping my head down and out of trouble.  Will Wright had just moved into his new flat in Clapham South so I went over late on Sunday evening to return his coat and see the new flat.  Two birds, one stone and all bloody efficient.  After a nice tour of the place I was about to set off back home when Will asked me what the new place for the week had been.  Panic descended when I suddenly realised I hadn't been to one.  'Where's the nearest pub?' I asked like all well trained lads.  'The Nightingale, it's only a few metres away!' was the answer to calm my fears.  To be fair to Will, neither of us wanted to go but he happily obliged in a late Sunday night pint to ensure I didn't go solo.  Thanks pal!

The Nightingale. (picture not mine)

  We wondered down and headed in.  The place has been recently refurbished and shock horror, it's another Youngs establishment....that lot have splashing the cash recently.  They've done a pretty good job, it still has it's old traditional feel from the outside and its kept a lot of character inside.   When you go through the entrance its got that feel of a cosy old village pub.  However, once you go around the corner it opens up and feels a bit more Gastroey (is that a word?).  

The pub of two halves. Traditional on the right, vacant space to the left (picture not mine)

  After ordering our pints (on a Sunday?! You lads!) we headed out to the smoking/outdoor area and quickly came back inside.  This was not due to the temperature but actually due to the was unfriendly and intimidating due to tables of smokers who were speaking in voices barely louder than whispers.  Once safely back inside we struggled to find a table but we eventually did (nice story).  That was the one thing that still remains with me, the place seems to be large and a vast amount of tables but in fact it barely has any tables at all.  They don't use their space efficiently.

In conclusion, a good little pub and one which is perfect to go to as your local nearest pub but not one to specifically visit or travel to as it's nothing special.  Decent pub though.

Special Shoutout
Winner: Lulu Harris
A few weeks prior to this week, Chopper and his mother (Lulu) kindly hosted a Halloween dinner party at The Hunt House B&B.  It was a truly stupendous evening which Lulu kindly hosted and did a cracking job.  The food was delicious and Lulu had done a fantastic job in decorating the place to theme too.  What more? She woke me up in the morning with a cup of coffee and dropped me off at the train station at the break of dawn to make sure I got my train back to London.  Top work indeed and many thanks again Lulu.  Photo courtesy of Luke.

Poem Advice

Find yourself in Clapham South,
And want a cheeky drink?
The Nightingales not bad,
Actually better than you think

Thanks again guys and keep the support coming folks.  It's all very much appreciated and next week sees a bar in London Bridge followed by a bar in Clapham Old Town. Tidy.

Remember to do the three most important things:




See you next week fans


Follow me on Twitter @jackgravestock

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Week Forty Six: The London Inn in Padstow

Week Forty Six

  Welcome back folks and this week includes a weekend away to Padstow.  Only the one new place as I have been to Padstow many times (lucky you!).  This new place didn't disappoint to be fair.

Special guests include: Tom Goldwater, formerly my biggest fan (Chris Hazell), Bex Murphy, Briony Jones, Aimee Pyatt and Tom Grimes

Summary of London Inn

Name: London Inn

Type: Old Traditional Pub

Location: 6-8 Lanadwell Street, Padstow, Cornwall, PL28 8AN

Date Visited: 21/11/14

Price: Very affordable

Rating: 3.7/5


  Winter was approaching and before the desperate cold weather arrived a small group of us wanted a weekend away in Padstow.  Tom Grimes kindly offered his family holiday home for accommodation and of we set on the Thursday night from London to Padstow.  This usually is a 3-4 hour journey but unfortunately it took myself 7 and a half hours after some poor communication from Chris Hazell and Tom Goldwater who I was giving a lift to.  Nightmare start.

  The following day we got up early and went for a 'nice' long walk on the beach.  The weather was ferocious, the rain uncomfortable and the wind unrelenting.  After thankfully finishing the walk it was time to have some drinks (you flaming nutters!).  Did I mention it was only 11am....good god.

The walk,

We left the first pub, all relatively tipsy, at 1pm and got ourselves some pasties before heading into the London Inn.  Briony seemed to be suffering from her traditional swaying condition while boasting that she hadn't eaten all day.  To be honest everyone was suffering from this contagious disease and Bex seemed to find it more increasingly difficult to eat her pasty by the second.

The gang outside the London Inn.  Minus me.

Bex looking suspicious with her pasty.

  When we walked through the doors, I did feel there was slight tension in the air and that the room went eerily quite on arrival.  I felt a few disapproving looks from the locals with a Doombar in hand....they could sense we were not locals.  Maybe it was my gillet that gave it away or the fact I was discussing the limited 3G signal in the place.  Anyway the place is proper traditional.  No music, minimal lighting and incredibly well priced beverages.  I liked it.

We sat around a nearby table at the opposite end of the regulars and continued to talk genuine jibberish.  I asked one of the kinder looking chaps to take a photo of us and he kindly obliged.  Instead of the traditional 'say cheese' he went for the 'smile you ugly bastards'.  Oh how we you can see from the photo below.

Smile you ugly bastards

  In conclusion the pub is great and in my opinion there are not enough of traditional old pubs like this around.  They've all gone Gastro and I think it is a great shame.  I liked the place, I enjoyed the the ever present Cornish locals and I was even more delighted about the price of a pint being under £4. We were there for a good few hours and it was a lot of fun.  Some of us went for the lethal Rattler cider while others stayed strong on the Doombar.  We left at around 4.30pm but it felt like 11pm. Oh you bloody legends.

Cracking pub and friendly(ish) customers.  Barman was a nice guy too.
Edgey shot to finish. Can the bandana look catch on?


Special Shoutout
Winner: Tom Grimes
Another deserved winner of this special shoutout, without him Week 46 would never of happened.  A keen reader he may be but the special shout out goes to him for providing us with free accomodation in his family holiday home for the weekend. Well done.  It was a truly superb weekend and for that Mr. Grimes, nickname 'Daddy' (Padstow in-joke...sorry!) I thank you.

Poem Advice

Find yourself in Padstow
Want a traditional feeling pub
The London Inn's for you
Even better, they don't serve grub

 Cheers my dears for reading.  I know I know, I'm so far behind.  I'm working on it and your support and readership is always appreciated.


Remember to do the three most important things:




See you next week fans


Follow me on Twitter @jackgravestock